Skate + Custom Elements

Version: 5.2.4
Browser: Chrome Headless 122.0.6261.69 (Linux x86_64)
Timestamp: 2/29/2024, 5:52:24 PM

16 tests / 0 errors / 3 failures / 0 skipped / runtime: 0.043s

basic support

no children

can display a Custom Element with no children
Passed in 0.014s

with children

can display a Custom Element with children in a Shadow Root
Passed in 0.001s

with children

can display a Custom Element with children in a Shadow Root and pass in Light DOM children
Passed in 0.006s

with children

can display a Custom Element with children in the Shadow DOM and handle hiding and showing the element
Passed in 0.002s

attributes and properties

will pass boolean data as either an attribute or a property
Passed in 0s

attributes and properties

will pass numeric data as either an attribute or a property
Passed in 0s

attributes and properties

will pass string data as either an attribute or a property
Passed in 0s


can imperatively listen to a DOM event dispatched by a Custom Element
Passed in 0.002s

advanced support

attributes and properties

will pass array data as a property
Passed in 0.001s

attributes and properties

will pass object data as a property
Passed in 0.01s

attributes and properties

will pass object data to a camelCase-named property
Passed in 0.001s


can declaratively listen to a lowercase DOM event dispatched by a Custom Element
Passed in 0.001s


can declaratively listen to a kebab-case DOM event dispatched by a Custom Element
Passed in 0.001s


can declaratively listen to a camelCase DOM event dispatched by a Custom Element

AssertionError: expected 'false' to deeply equal 'true'
at Context.eval (webpack:///./src/advanced-tests.js?:114:76)


can declaratively listen to a CAPScase DOM event dispatched by a Custom Element

AssertionError: expected 'false' to deeply equal 'true'
at Context.eval (webpack:///./src/advanced-tests.js?:127:76)


can declaratively listen to a PascalCase DOM event dispatched by a Custom Element

AssertionError: expected 'false' to deeply equal 'true'
at Context.eval (webpack:///./src/advanced-tests.js?:140:76)

Version: 5.2.4
Browser: FirefoxHeadless
Timestamp: 2/29/2024, 5:52:31 PM

16 tests / 0 errors / 3 failures / 0 skipped / runtime: 0.117s

basic support

no children

can display a Custom Element with no children
Passed in 0.012s

with children

can display a Custom Element with children in a Shadow Root
Passed in 0.009s

with children

can display a Custom Element with children in a Shadow Root and pass in Light DOM children
Passed in 0.027s

with children

can display a Custom Element with children in the Shadow DOM and handle hiding and showing the element
Passed in 0.002s

attributes and properties

will pass boolean data as either an attribute or a property
Passed in 0s

attributes and properties

will pass numeric data as either an attribute or a property
Passed in 0s

attributes and properties

will pass string data as either an attribute or a property
Passed in 0s


can imperatively listen to a DOM event dispatched by a Custom Element
Passed in 0.016s

advanced support

attributes and properties

will pass array data as a property
Passed in 0.004s

attributes and properties

will pass object data as a property
Passed in 0.008s

attributes and properties

will pass object data to a camelCase-named property
Passed in 0.001s


can declaratively listen to a lowercase DOM event dispatched by a Custom Element
Passed in 0.001s


can declaratively listen to a kebab-case DOM event dispatched by a Custom Element
Passed in 0.001s


can declaratively listen to a camelCase DOM event dispatched by a Custom Element

expected 'false' to deeply equal 'true'


can declaratively listen to a CAPScase DOM event dispatched by a Custom Element

expected 'false' to deeply equal 'true'


can declaratively listen to a PascalCase DOM event dispatched by a Custom Element

expected 'false' to deeply equal 'true'